
QIAcube HT高通量核酸提取仪

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QIAcube HT高通量核酸提取仪

  • 可从几乎任何类型样本中纯化质量可靠的DNA、RNA和miRNA

  • 采用专用纯化试剂盒的高通量解决方案,节省成本和时间

  • 用户友好的软件,可以方便地进行数据管理和存档

  • 创新的设计在提高安全性的同时最大限度控制交叉污染风险

  • 仪器方便、灵活、易用,占用面积小

QIAcube HT采用硅胶膜技术,实现96孔板形式的中高通量自动核酸纯化。用户可从几乎任何类型的样本(包括细胞、组织、食物、以及动物样品中的细菌和病毒)中轻松、快捷地纯化DNA、RNA和miRNA。自动化实验方案和专用的QIAcube HT纯化试剂盒和耗材,增加了实验的可靠性和便利性,同时节省了宝贵的时间。现有QIAxtractor的用户可以轻松地升级自己的系统,享受到这些新功能和新特性。升级需要安装附件包(Accessories Pack),QXT和QIAcube HT软件。更多详情请参阅QIAcube HT升级页面。
提供的附件Vacuum Control Station, Vacuum Chamber, Pinch Valve, Channeling Adapter (Channeling Block and Channeling Block Holder), Transfer Carriage, Riser Block EMTR, Adapter Reagent Plate SBS, Adapter Reagent Plate R1, Tip Disposal Box Holder, Tip Chute, Tip Chute Protective Cap, Waste Bottle with Lid Assembly
交流RS232 and USB
提供的耗材QIAcube HT Plasticware (5 S-Blocks, 5 Elution Microtubes RS (EMTR), 120 x 8-Well Strip Caps for EMTR, 9 x 96 Filter-Tips OnCor C, TapePad), 3x Tip Disposal Box with Lid, 2x Reagent Trough Lid 170 ml, 3x Reagent Trough with Lid 70 ml
尺寸Instrument width: 540 mm (21 in.), height: 450 mm (18 in.), depth: 630 mm (25 in.); vacuum control station width: 495 mm (19 in.), height: 520 mm (20 in.), depth: 400 mm (16 in.)
电动100–240 V AC, 250 VA, 50–60 Hz, overvoltage category II; mains supply voltage fluctuations are not to exceed 10% of the nominal supply voltages
HEPA过滤器Preinstalled dual-cartridge 3M Air-Mate HEPA filter system provides positive pressure clean air within the closed hood.
湿度Operating humidity 40-70%
提供笔记本电脑QIAcube HT comes with a notebook computer for added flexibility.
移液体系8 pipetting channels, pipetting volume (20-200 µl)
操作地点For indoor use only
精确度20-200 µl, less than 4% coefficient of variation
软件Supplied with unlimited user license with free upgrades by web download
表容量4 x SBS positions (127.76 x 85.48 mm), compatible with 96-well plates or tip racks 1 custom adapter for a reagent trough plate compatible to accept reagent troughs vacuum chamber with chambers for waste and elution
通量24-96 samples in increments of 8 samples
弃去吸头All used tips ejected externally; no waste accumulation on the worktable
紫外灯Preinstalled UV lamp for worktable decontamination
质保1-3 years warranty, depending on service package
重量QIAcube HT instrument: 41 kg (90 lb.); vacuum control station: 19 kg (42 lb.)

